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Greetings from New Mexico

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:15 pm
by c.ortiz
Hello all,

I like how low-tech this forum is - seems appropriate for OTR fans!

I got interested in OTR when I was a kid - my dad worked in a radio station and used to bring home records they didn't need. One of them was a 2-record set of Golden Age radio comedy, and I was fascinated. I'm not sure I actually laughed and thought much of it was funny - but it was like going into a whole other world. Then I discovered that my school library had cassettes of Gunsmoke, Dragnet, and Superman, and I was hooked. I got distracted from the hobby in my teenage years, but rediscovered it about 10 years ago, and really love how easy it is now to download just about any show with ease.

I like a lot different genres and types of shows - Vic & Sade, the Shadow, Suspense, Escape, Mysterious Traveler and most of the horror and sci-fi stuff, Jack Benny, Bob & Ray, Frontier Gentleman, Destination Freedom etc. etc.

Anyway, looking forward to exploring the hobby even more and gaining from the knowledge here!