Jay Hickerson announces even more great material for OTR fans. Click on the item for more information:


New and old old-time radio fans alike will be interested in receiving my Hello Again newsletter. You can receive four snailmailed issues of Hello Again for an annual subscription of only $15.00

Hello Again is the oldest independent newsletter dedicated to the traders and collectors of old-time radio shows. Much of the information it contains is contributed by collectors, including:

  • Problems and techniques in dubbing
  • Tape quality
  • What different collectors are doing, and what they are looking for
  • Updated information about new radio shows being circulated
  • Logs related to old-time radio
  • Deaths of radio personalities
  • Information about our annual Friends of Old-Time Radio Convention
  • ... and much more

Your first issue will include listings of all OTR clubs, publications, many dealers, and a list of available logs. Each issue is four to six pages in length.

You can receive a complimentary copy by sending me a Stamped, Self-Addressed legal-size envelope.
Backissues are $3.00. Full page ads are accepted.

Interested in chronological lists of old radio series? I have several logs that may meet your needs:
  • Suspense - This 50-page log lists every show, both chronologically and alphabetically. Each entry shows the date, title and up to two performers when known. Only $9.00, including postage and handling.

  • CBS Radio Mystery Theater - This 100-page log lists every show chronologically and alphabetically. Each entry lists the date, title and up to three performers when known. Cost: $15.00 plus $2.00 postage and handling.

  • I also have many more complete logs and lists of old radio shows, including Jack Benny, Lux Radio Theater, Fred Allen, ILAM, Mercury Theater, Theater Guild on the Air, Gunsmoke, Columbia Workshop, Sherlock Holmes, One Man's Family, Escape, Eddie Cantor, Hall of Fantasy, Bob Hope, Jimmy Durante, Mysterious Traveler, Academy Award Theater, Baby Snooks, Studio One, Shell Chateau, Our Miss Brooks, Green Hornet, Speed Gibson, Ford Theater, Burns and Allen, Theater 5, CBS and You are There. The prices of these logs run from $1.00 to $10.00

  • In addition, I have lots of pamphlets on topics such as "Tips on Taping", "Guide for Beginning Collectors", "Selected Bibliography of Books", etc.

Order any of these items from:

Jay Hickerson
27436 Desert Rose Ct.
Leesburg, FL 34748

Phone: (352) 728-6731
FAX: (352) 728-2405
Email: JayHick@aol.com
Sorry, we do not accept credit cards directly.
Please pay with check or money order.
or PayPal

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Louis V. Genco
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